A summary of videos and articles from the past 5 years discussing the future needs for education.

Ken Robinson TED Talk: Do school’s kill creativity?

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Snippets from articles

How do you best prepare for the creative age? – Hugh Macleod, Apr 2012

To mas­si­vely over-simplify, there were two main pha­ses in the his­tory of edu­ca­tion, pre-industrial and indus­trial. The first meant only the clergy and the sons of the elite were pro­perly edu­ca­ted. Then along comes the second, indus­trial phase. Edu­ca­tion on a mass-universal scale.

Per­so­nally, I had a pretty good for­mal edu­ca­tion. I lear­ned to study and pass tests.

I don’t think that’s enough any­more, as the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of under-employed and unem­plo­yed uni­ver­sity gra­dua­tes with good gra­des in Europe and Ame­rica will tes­tify. They pas­sed all their tests fine…

What makes a great teacher? – The Atlantic, Jan 2010

Parents have always worried about where to send their children to school; but the school, statistically speaking, does not matter as much as which adult stands in front of their children.

The New Literacy – Clive Thompson, Wired, Aug 2009

Technology isn’t killing our ability to write. It’s reviving it… young people today write far more than any generation before them. That’s because so much socializing takes place online, and it almost always involves text.

Educators take Web 2.0 to school – Larry Magid, CNet, Jul 2009

“Whether it’s a wiki or Twitter, the notion of a participatory culture–upstream and downstream–is not going away,” Chris Lehman, Principal of Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia.

Why I am not a professor: the decline and fall of the British University – Dr Mark Tarva, 2007

Universities are the last bastions of mediaevalism left in modern society outside, perhaps, the church.  Like churches they attracted a certain type of person who did not share the values of the commercial world. Poor communication, expensive reading materials and illiteracy were the foundation blocks for the universities. If today we have excellent communications, free online information and general literacy, we also have an environment in which the universities are struggling to maintain their position.

The Future of Learning, Networked Society – Ericsson

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